30 April 2008

Wednesday, the day after Tuesday

Hmm, I missed posting anything yesterday. By the time I got home, it was already late. Yesterday, I went to the library in the morning to research for my FQ, which I have to say, is kinda crappy, since I couldn't really find much information on the topic. It was a really cold day. Too bad that I didn't bring my jacket along, freezing ani wah. At 10am, I had a physio prac at the ILC building with Syimsyim and Yunyun. It was more of a tutorial actually. The room was really packed sampai ada yang duduk dilantai ani wah, hehe.. I have to say that the tute was productive jua lah since we got to practice answering some questions from a tutorial program in the computer.

At 11:30am, I met up with Sa'dy at the physio refrac for lunch. Then we went to the library to do some work. At 12:50pm, we headed to the anatomy building for a prac. The topic for this week was on the heart and the great vessels. We left around 2:15pm, then I went to the library to continue working on my FQ and start reading for my CC formative exam. I stayed in the library until 5pm then headed back home. Then, Yunyun and I went to caicai before going to Syimsyim and Nabnab's place. Each of us did our own thing, I studied for my CC. Sa'dy came over to S&N's place later on in the night as well. I was still not feeling well, so Syimsyim offered me some liquid cough medicine, hehe.. Ku suruh suapi ubat ah, nda tah ia jadi, haha.. joking2.. At half past 11pm, we headed back home. The cough medicine was starting to give some effect, so I was really sleepy once I reached home. Tidur tarus ani wah... hehehe..

Today, I woke up at half past 6am. I decided not to attend the 8am lecture. Instead, I reviewed my CC handbook and textbook. Prepared some food for my lunch later on. At a quarter to 9, I walked to uni, to meet up with my P.B.L mates near the vet clinic parking lot. Again, it was freezing this morning. Had to wear a jacket to warm up..bbrrrrrrr.... :p I guess winter is really approaching fast.

The predicted weather for the coming week. :)

Mry and I got into Dan's car then we were on our way to the hospital. While waiting in front of the med school's parking lot, I saw 2 third year Bruneian seniors getting into the school. Our CCS history taking video review took place at the mental health unit at 9:30am. My tutor told me that I did very well in the video recording, and I was happy with the outcome of the video :) We finished by 11:45am, then my CC mates and I walked to the usual kitchen/tea room on the level where our CC will be held. I had my lunch of tuna sandwich and mandarine oranges.

Today, we had our formative exam on the respiratory system. It was rather informal but we were graded by our tutor. He readily answered some uncertainties that we had and corrected some of our techniques. He commented that I still need to practice on perfecting my percussion techniques, hehe.. I have to agree that it was still not up to par, nda brapa kedangaran banar wah.. nanti tah ku practice latuk2 arah dinding ni, hehe.. We were done by 3:40pm.

Rchelle drove us back to uni. There was a bit of traffic in the city area, so I was late for my 4pm tutorial at one of the P.B.L room. We discussed last week's asthma case. We were done by 6pm, then Syimsyim, Yunyun, Nabnab and I headed back home. Was really tired by the time we reached home. Quite a long and busy day today. Tonight, we wanted to cook a simple meal as we were both tired, so we had spaghetti and fried chicken for dinner. At the same time, sampat lagi liat Big brother tu.. hehe.. Bah that's all for today.

Gd night! :)


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