21 April 2008

Interesting facts

Here are some interesting facts that I found from the net:
Butterflies taste with their feet.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. (take a note at this guys..baik tah menstok apple ni kalo banar, hehe)

Walt Disney was afraid of mice. (the irony! haha)

Turtles can breath through their butts. (really?!)

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (anyone want to test that theory? baik tah ku masak aying panas.. hehe)

A cockroach will live for nine days without it's head, before it starves to death. (bohh, kepada yg takut lipas atu(sapa tu ah? *waggles eyebrows*), jgn terpedaya dgn lipas yg usulnya udh mati. Bisai2 saja, hehehe)

Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you are there.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma. (kalo kurang darah, pakai aying piasau dpt tah tu ah..)

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. (hmm.. bah tidur tah ku)


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