19 April 2008

Gd day, mate!

There are times when you come across some Aussie slangs that may have baffled you, sometimes orang beibun pun nda ku paham apa maksudnya, hehe. Angguk2 and ikut senyum2 tah ku jua tu, hahaha.. Here are some interesting slangs and their meanings that I came across from the internet.. (macam nada kraja tah pulang, ish ish ish.. :p )

Ace! = Excellent! Very good!
Ambo = ambulance, ambulance driver
Arvo = afternoon
Banana bender = a person from Queensland
Barbie = barbecue (bukan patung barbie atu ah, hehehe)
Bikkie = biscuits
Billabong = an ox-bow river or watering hole (hmm, ani rupanya maknanya, jadi brand Billabong yg banyak org pakai atu kirakan sungai lah tu ertinya ah, weird.. )
Bizzo = business ("Mind your own bizzo")
Bloke = Man, guy
Bloody = very (pikirku org British saja pakai ani, org OZ pun jua panya)
Bored shitless = very bored
Brekkie = breakfast
Brisvegas = Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Brizzie = same meaning as Brisvegas
Bush = the hinterland, the Outback
BYO = unlicensed restaurant where you have to Bring Your Own grog, also similar to party or barbecue (patut tah ada some restaurants ada BYO arah label dpn kadainya, mcm arah c mustar ah, hehe)
Captain Cook = look ("Let's have a captain cook")
Click = kilometre ("It's 10 clicks away")
Cut lunch = sandwiches
Dag = a funny person, nerd, goof
Docket = a bill, receipt
Dog = unattractive woman (jahat jua bunyinya.. ish ish ish)
Down under = Australia and New Zealand
Exy = expensive
Fair go = a chance ("give a bloke a fair go")
Footy = Australian Rules football
Fruit loop = fool
G'day = hello!
Good oil = useful information, a good idea, truth
Good onya = good for you, well done
Heaps = a lot
Hooroo = good bye
Hottie = hot water bottle
Kindie = kindergarten
Lollies = sweets, candy
Lunch, who opened their? = OK, who farted?
Maccas (pron. mackers) = Mc Donald's
Mate = buddy, friend
Moolah = money
Oz = Australia
Pig's Arse! = I don't agree with you
Prezzy = present, gift
Quid, make a = earning a living
Rage = party
Reckon = you bet! Absolutely!
Roo = kangaroo
Sheila = a woman
Sickie = day off from work
Smoko = smoke or coffee break
Snag = a sausage
Stuffed, I feel = I'm tired
Sunbake = sunbathe
Sunnies = sunglasses
Thongs = cheap rubber backless sandals
Trackie daks/dacks = track suit
Tucker = food
Uni = university
Unit = flat, apartment
Vedgies = vegetables
Vejjo = vegetarian
Yabber = talk a lot

Hope that some of these will be helpful :)


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