My day started with P.B.L at 8am today... not being a morning person myself, as you may have realised by now, mcm biasa, payah2an rasanya kan bangun atu.. We had a new tutor today, John, who on first impression seems to be a "jolly" nice guy, as the British people would say.. kuat ketawa ia atu, and that's a good thing in my book :) We made the necessary introductions and had some discussions on how the group is usually run. As usual we started on the mechanism and case summary for last week's case. Today we started on a new case, regarding cystic fibrosis. Surprisingly, we managed to finish today's session in just 2 hours, which is a first for our group. With that, I have a 4-hour break, so I decided to go back home and cook lunch. I cooked some pasta with what remaining sauce that I still have in the fridge.
Siuk2 makan atu, I can feel the place vibrating, rupanya ada orang doing some construction work not far from home. Patut tah bising! ish ish ish..
Notice the huge tall black crane thingy.. (pic taken from the balcony)
At a quarter to 2, I headed back to uni for the 3-hour afternoon lectures. The first lecture was on the innate immunity, which if I remember correctly is a repeat of a similar lecture that I had during my biomed course. It was good though tapi lecturernya atu berijap, sedikit org bising ditagurnya. On the plus side, nda jua org lain distracted kan. The second lecture was on cystic fibrosis. Quite an interesting lecture really, explaining the general mechanism behind cystic fibrosis and the treatments that are currently employed. I didnt go to the 3rd lecture, pasal pikiranku melayang tia udah by that time.. so, left uni at 4pm and went home. I was tired since I didnt get enough sleep, so I took a short nap.. it was really refreshing, hehe
Then at 6 plus, Yunyun and I cooked spaghetti and fried chicken for dinner. We watched FRIENDS while enjoying our dinner. At 10, I called Brunei to ask how they are doing di sana. Now, it's almost midnight here and I'm not even feeling drowsy yet.. must be the effects of all the cups of teh tarik that I've been drinking dari tadi, haha.. Oh well, tomoro's gonna be quite packed with pracs and an early start is needed. I need my beauty sleep! :)
Gd night! :)
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