22 April 2008

Work and Play

I'm just going to make this short and sweet, hehe.. I woke up at a quarter to 7am today. Had an 8am lecture today on gas exchange, part 2. Then, I had a physiology prac. Went to the lab with syimsyim, who also have the same prac today at 9am. The practical was on the applications of spirometry and peak flow meter. It was a good session and I had the chance to use the peak flow meter to measure my peak expiratory flow, which came about to 400 L/min. The value is within the normal range for my age and height (yey!), so am happy with that..hehe.. After the prac, decided to not attend the anat prac later on in the afternoon, malas ku, hehe, ku dangar bnyak org nda dtg jua.. so instead, I went to Indooroopilly. I have not been there for quite some time. Bought a new t-shirt. At 3, I took the 428 bus to uni, then got into the 412 bus, heading home. I made a pit stop to caicai's to get ice cream, tais liur ku, hehe. At home, I started on doing my FQ for this week. For dinner, yunyun and I had chicken kurma and veggies. Spent the night doing my FQ. Too tired to talk more panjang lebar here, hehe.. this is probably one of my shortest post ever, haha.. I have to get cracking on revising my CC handbook for tomorrow.. bah, that's all folks!

Gd night! :)


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