17 April 2008

Inspire me on a Thursday

What? How? Huh? It's Thursday now..how fast time flies.. don't you think that the hours are disappearing quicker than before, and you'll just be going through the motions of your daily life routine; rise, eat, school/work, eat, sleep and so on.. and now, before you know it, you'll be halfway into your semester.. time is golden as some philosopher wisely says..

Here's how my day went. I woke up at around 8am today. I didn't attend the morning lectures.. too lazy to get up that early today, hehe.. Stayed home the whole morning and had the leftovers of the mee kuah for lunch. At a quarter to noon, I made my way to uni for the afternoon P.B.L. As usual, we went through the triggers of this week's case and did the presentation of each person's FQ. The P.B.L lasted for 2 hours. After P.B.L, I decided to go to the BSL library and do some work to repay the hours that I missed procrastinating this week, hehe..

I met Hazzie in the library and saw Pei and Dbah. I managed to get some reading done, in between facebooking and internet surfing (couldn't resist :p). Stayed there till 5:30pm until my stomach's continuous grumbling is beginning to embarass me in the silence of the library, hahaha.. Headed back home. It was starting to get dark and chilly, I should have brought my jacket along, but the feel of the evening breeze is calming somehow. Lots of joggers around and I can see lights being turned on in some houses. I took the long way home and actually enjoyed the walk. I havent jogged since that one time, a few weeks ago.

Arrived at home and rested for a while. Then Yunyun and I cooked dinner of fried rice and fried chicken. Went online and chatted with Syimsyim, Nabnab and Yunyun. Rested for the rest of the night. I had a nice chat online with Nad, who I have not been in touch with for quite some time. It was nice to catch up with her. She'll be going off to Southampton to continue her studies in med and I would like to wish her the best of luck for her final exams soon! The same goes to Farah and the rest of her batch. :)

I don't really have much to say in this post. That's pretty much what I did today.

Gd night! :)


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