14 April 2008

Another one bites the dust

Seliparku... at the end of it's life :p

I just lost another well worn much loved pair of thongs (selipar tu ertinya ah, bukan yang semacam atu ah, hahaha), the second one this year.. Ganas jua ku memakai atu ah.. I was throwing out the garbage a few days ago, when tali nya putus, sedihku, haha.. At least this time, I was actually home, so sanang ku naik ke atas walaupun bekaki ayam. The other time, was a few weeks ago during a Futsal tourney at Mt. Gravatt. That thong was a pink one, with a flower attached to the front which I really like. Lucky for me, a senior, c Dmt generously lent me his pair though it was a few sizes bigger. For that I am grateful. Kalo ndada org extra selipar, calitu, either ku think of someway to gam selipar atu balik though it was irrepairable or bejalan bekaki ayam all the way to St. Lucia, hahaha.. I guess it's time to buy a new pair.


HaSyiMah TaMiN said...

putus tia selipar mu dalenks.. hehe iatah nah last tym d city ku bawa supping bali selipar nda mau hehe.. its okk.. elaun will be out soon insya allah.. laksth sama2 bali slipar baru hehe.. okies.. nyt2 dear.. cya tmrw ;)

jannah said...

haha, awu putus tia nah.. bah nantitah ke city "supping" ;p

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