10 April 2008

And They Say...

Had a late start today.. Apa inda, ahir tah lagi bangun nah, hehehe.. I bet that snooze button has seen better days, haha.. "old habits die hard" people say.. Anyway, Yunyun and I were late for the 8 o'clock lecture.. On the way to Uni, we were talking about something (ndaku ingat apa topicnya, just some random unimportant stuff I guess).. I said something which yunyun didn't hear, so she turned her face towards me and continued walking without looking where she was going. Tarus2, she walked directly towards the bushy plant and baik jua nda tegugur! It was really funny at that time ( you have to be there to appreciate the caliness of that situation, hehe).. She was actually listening to her mp3 that time jua. I told her that this just proves that hearing and balance are closely related to one another. Eseh, channeling my FQ of the week lah tu, haha..

We got to uni at 20 past 8am. By that time, the lecturer was almost at the end of her presentation. Kan happy ku udah tu, ku pikir kan abis tah lecture nya ani, since it was supposed to be a 2-hour lecture. Rupanya, there were guest speakers invited and a video presentation following that.. I should have known better, hehe.. Our lecture this morning was on managing hearing impairment. Listening to the guest speakers and the video, opened my eyes AND ears on how it was to be in the shoes of someone with hearing impairment. I'm not saying that now I understand completely how they must perceive the world through their eyes and how they must be feeling. I have always thought that wearing hearing aids actually solve the problem, but apparently, they are no better than without hearing at all. They do help improve speech clarification though and that's a good thing. However, they also emphasize background noise as well, such as the traffic, sometimes more than the speech of the person we are talking to. We were also told of the importance of eye contact and addition of some visual cues as well as slowing our speech, which can be helpful in improving the patient's understanding. I hope what I'm talking here do make some sense, hehe..

The lecture ended 30 minutes earlier, so I went to the physio refrac with Lsa, a friend from tute.. (Hmm..I'm beginning to realise here that the physio refrac is becoming a favourite haunt of mine, hehe..) I had histology prac next, focussing on the Ear, and it was pretty much the same thing; explaination by tutor, look at slides, and draw.. (twice!) It was a pretty good prac though.. It ended 30 minutes early as well.. so I decided to go to the BSL library but it seemed that all the computer stations were full.. so I went to my P.B.L room instead for next tute.

This being week 11, there will be a change in tutor among all the P.B.L groups starting next week. We decided to have a little farewell party for our tutor, Susie. She is a really nice lady, great supporter and tutor in my opinion, so I was a little sad to see her go. I'm sure the rest of my P.B.L frens feel the same way too. After we got all the presentations out of the way, the party was in full swing. There were lots of food; scones (nyaman rupanya with strawberry jem and thick cream..wahh, tais liur ku tah plang nah, hehe), choc cake, bread with colourful candy rice (mcm choc rice, ndaku tau nama yg colourful atu.. it's good!), chips, fruit, etc.. and Mchael was sweet enough to make a vegetarian quiche for me.. while the others got the ones with bacon.. During the party, we exchanged thank you notes to each other and to Susie as well. I was really touched at the nice things that they said to me.. warm fuzzy feelings indeed! :)

Thank you notes :)

Mry and I

Rchelle and I

My P.B.L mates and tutor

I have no classes left for the rest of the afternoon, so I headed home and procrastinated the rest of the afternoon away.. haha.. For dinner, Yunyun and I had chicken soup and rice while watching South park, which is one of my fav cartoon at the moment. Their blunt and sarcastic humor is so refreshing for me..haha..

The cute kids of South Park

I think I have written enough for the night. This seems to be a rather long post.. Oh well, can't really help myself, haha..

Gd night! :)


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