20 April 2008

Walk of life

The weekend comes and goes. It's Sunday now... where did my weekend go? Tomorrow is the same old same old routine again.. back to being busy and immersing myself with uni, hehe.. but I have enjoyed my weekend so far. Today, I woke up around 9am, which is a little early for my usual Sunday ritual. I guess I am gradually adapting to the early mornings that I have had for the past few weeks. I went out into the balcony to breath in the cold morning air. I think it may have rained some time during the night since the pavement and the road outside the apartment was wet. I did some cleaning inside and then went online. For brunch, Yunyun and I had nasi goreng kampung and cucur ikan bilis. I spent some time today typing some tutorial notes.

At 2:30pm, Yunyun, Nabnab and I decided to just go with our initial plan to walk to PA hospital from St. Lucia. (looks around for syimsyim..we would have more fun if you have joined! :p) We have heard from other Bruneians that we could actually walk to the hospital (which obviously would take longer, hehe) instead of taking the bus using the Eleanor Schonell bridge at UQ. We were curious to try that, then asked Hsn for the directions. We started the walk at 2:50pm. By this time, the weather has gotten much warmer, so panas lah jua sikit. We walked through McQuarie Street and it took us 20 minutes to get to the Schonell bridge from there.

Yunyun and Nabnab, along McQuarie Street

Sambil2 bejalan atu, took some photos as well. Kalo nda begambar, nda sah, haha.. We reached the end of the bridge, which is at Dutton Park and consulted our paper containing the directions.
We walked up the hill till we reached the traffic lights.

Yunyun at the bridge

Dutton Park terminal, which I believed is closed for public use

Nabnab and I, at the end of the bridge

On the way, we kept to the left side of the road. Saw a cemetery on the right side of the road, a vet, gas station, fish and chips place, some kadai2, a train station, houses and apartment buildings. We reached PA hospital in about an hour and was happy with our achievement, haha.. Baik jua nda sasat.. We went inside to buy drinks at Starbucks and rested for 10 minutes. Then we made our way back using the same route as before which took another hour.

The cemetery.. bisai2 kalo bejalan malam.. bowhhh (scary music in the background, hehe)

sampat posing lagi tu, hehe

The Dutton train station (luruskah tu?)

Follow the sign

How does that work?

Starbucks, nyum nyum

Ello? Ma? Kediaku ni.. nah, abis tia usin pacah ku ah.. elaahh.. inggis tia pulang nah

Kasut siapa kah ni, taing taing arah kabel ah, hehehe (can you make out the words on the soles?)

Back to the bridge and UQ

At the bridge

What's so interesting in the water guys?

We reached home at around 5pm. We were really exhausted, sanggal batis non stop bejalan atu, haha, but it was worth it. Had a good time. For dinner, we cooked a simple meal of chicken and vedgies soup and rice. Am spending the night resting.

Hope you guys had a great weekend as well.

Gd night! :)


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