01 May 2008

Let's give it a shot

What a cold day it is! I was warmly snuggled in my bed this morning and was finding it hard to wake up. I dragged myself out of bed, and nearly jumped out of the shower. The water was icy cold. I had breakfast and then walked to uni at a quarter to 8am. There were two morning lectures today. The first lecture was on the regulation of oxygen delivery and haemoglobin oxygen binding. I have to say that the lecturer was quite good since I managed to keep my eyes open for that time period, hehe.. The second lecture was on vaccination and the host response. The lecture was interesting at some parts, although the lecturer seemed to be taking a lot of time just to explain a slide, taking up the whole lecture time to explain just 3 pages of the notes, haha.. According to the lecturer, the first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner in the late 1700's against the small pox virus.

The arm of Sarah Nelmes, a dairy maid, who contracted cowpox. Jenner used the material from her arm to vaccinate an 8 year old boy, James Phipps.

Jenner recognised that dairy maids infected with cowpox were immune to small pox, thus deliberately infecting James Phipps, an 8 year old boy with cowpox in 1796. He then exposed Phipps to small pox which Phipps failed to contract. After repeating the experiment on other children, including his own son, Jenner concluded that the vaccination provided immunity to small pox without the risks of variolation.

Vaccination provides immunity up to 10 years. Because war always spread small pox, governments encourage recruits to be vaccinated. In 1807, Bavarians become the first to require recruits to be vaccinated and the practice of vaccination spread with the practice of war.

That's a bit on the history of vaccination. Quite fascinating really, hehe.. I remembered being so scared of getting shots when I was a kid. The most recent vaccine that I received was last january. The Hep B shot I got was the most sakit, and my arm was a bit swollen for quite some time, haha.. I remembered having 2 shots on the same arm within a space of a few days. I didnt know that we're not supposed to do that. Patut tah, mcm rasa kan damam2 lps kana vaccinate atu, heheh.. I remembered when we were getting the tetanus shot which I think was optional. Sikit lagi kami nda jadi tu, since we thought at first that we have to get it vaccinated arah the butt area, haha.. baik jua inda.. :p I wouldnt want a disproportionate butt lapas atu, wouldn't that look weird..udah tah tangan labu, hahaha.. ingkang-ingkang kali bejalan.. :p

Ok, I'm gonna stop myself from talking about this butt issue any further. As I was saying, I attended both my morning lectures today. Then, I headed back home for my 2-hour break. Had lunch of tuna and egg sandwich and the leftover chicken from last night. Then I went to nandos to buy peri-peri chips for my P.B.L later on. I headed back to uni at a quarter to 12pm. We went through each person's presentation rather quickly as we had to start a new case today. There will be a public holiday on monday, so we'll be missing a P.B.L session for that, hence the compensated time today for the new case. For the new case, we are dealing with a patient with a heart attack. The session took up the usual 2 hours and ended at 2pm.

After P.B.L, I went to the library to get some reading done. I met Hazzie and Val on the way. Hazzie and I then headed to the library together and found a spot on the 3rd level. I wasn't really concentrating that much for the first few hours. There was a group of students beside me, who were making a lot of noise and I noticed one of them swearing a lot. I think they were discussing about their group assignment or something. Distracted ku tarus, ish ish ish..

I stayed in the library until 6pm, then walked back home. It was dark already. On my way home, I saw an accident involving two cars. Luckily no one was hurt, it was a minor accident anyway. There was also a game of rugby being played on the field not far from home. Banyak jua lah kerita malam2 ani. I arrived home then rested for a while. Tonight, we just masak sendiri2, which would mean instant noodles, hehe.. I had Indo mee with talur mata lembu and corn beef. Sa'dy came over tonight and we did our own readings. We watched Big Brother and the finale of The Biggest Loser at the same time. I'm still wide awake right now, must be the effect of the teh tarik that I was drinking tadi. Ok, I'm going to continue chatting with my dear sister lagi, hehe..

Gd night! :)


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