07 May 2008

Exam, tute and food

Talking about my day now.. I actually meant to go to the 8 am lecture, but I kept on snoozing my alarm, as usual, haha, that eventually cost me to end up not going. Stayed at home revising for my CC later on. Then at 11am, I walked to uni to meet up with Alx and Mchl for a ride to the hospital. This week, we had our coaching, an hour earlier than the usual time. This usually happens when we have our summative exam. This week, we have a summative exam on the respiratory system. We were examined by our previous examining tutor as in the gastro exam, who is quite lenient, so that's good, hehe. We were randomly selected in taking turns examining our "patient" in front of the rest of the group and the tutor. The "patient", being one of us. The exam turned out ok for me and the tutor informed us that all of us has passed the exam. Alhamdulillah.. So, that's one obstacle out of the way, hehe.. We finished by 2pm, then Rchelle as usual, drove us back home. I arrived home at around 2:20pm.

At 10 minutes to 4pm, I headed back to uni for the usual 4pm tutorial at one of the P.B.L rooms. We stayed there until 6:10pm then walked back home. Yunyun and I had dinner of BBQ chicken, veggies and ramis. Am now resting and blogging.. Nda belurih reading anything tonight, although my notes are right beside me. How strong is the power of the internet! Haha.. Alrighty then.. I will just be keeping this post short.

Gd night! :)


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