17 May 2008

All Good Things Will Come to an End

Today is the day! Woke up at 8:30am today. The main agenda on the plate today was the Brunei Student Society (BSS) Annual General Meeting (AGM), in which a new committee was elected to replace the old one. Yunyun and I walked to uni at 10:20am to help in the pre-event preparations. The AGM was held at the Parnell building at UQ. There were about 50 in attendance which is considered to be enough for the event to proceed as at least 25 people are required for voting and nominations to be made official. I have been in the committee for almost 2 years now, starting as a volunteering officer then becoming the secretary in Group 5 & Group 6 committees. Overall, my experience in becoming a committee member has been quite enjoyable. Siuk jua lah, and there were some bittersweet memories along the way, meeting other Bruneians, hanging out with the members, organising events, participating in performances lah apa, hehe.. I was feeling quite sad jua, however, it is now time to let go, and concentrate more on my med studies. All the best to the next committee! :)

Room 234, UQ, where our AGM was held

Pre-event changes and preparations

From left: The 2 secretaries, president, vice president and treasurer (All exes now, hehe)

During the AGM, we had the nominations and voting for all the BSS posts, in between videos, performances and lucky draws. For lunch we had nasi briyani, salad and some sweet pastry for dessert, which were all nyaman..

Silat performance

Slide show of committee members

Some members in attendance

The new BSS committee 2008-2009

Milling around the UQ Great Court for photo sessions

Close up photo, haha.. cali muka kami di sini.. Mana c nabnab?

Duduk2 on the grass :)

The AGM ended by 4pm, then we headed back home. It was starting to get dark and gloomy by that time macam kan hujan. Lurus tah nya weather prediction atu..

Dark clouds from my bedroom window (4:50pm).. Berijap usul nya ahh.. Beguruh lagi time ani..

Rain droplets on my window

Hujan banarr.. Labat lagitu.. At least it did not rain sampai ke malam, haha.. Eh awu, I just remember.. Amir was telling us just now that KFC at Indroo is now HALAL!! woohooo!! It was before halal, then when they changed their management, diragui tia halalnya. Ani confirm Halal tia lagi.. On and Off banarr.. Yes! Tais plang liurku nah kan makan, haha.. before this, we have to wait brapa bulan to eat KFC, di brunei ganya dpt makan, haha, kesian bunyinya.. well there are other options but they are not the same as the finger licking good taste of a kentucky fried chicken, nyum! May my dreams be filled with fried chicken goodness tonight, haha..

Gd night! :)


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