04 May 2008

A walk in the park

Wah, I've been busy these past few days, sampai nda terblog lagi, hehe.. We have another 3-day weekend, from Saturday to Monday. On Saturday, woke up at around 8:30am. We have no tutorial with Hsn this week, so Yunyun and I decided to go to Chinatown to restock our chicken and beef supply which usually lasted for 2 weeks. We waited at the bus stop for the 10:15am bus and met Hsn, Mea and Rnld who were also on their way to bandar cina. We dropped off at toowong and waited for the train to Brunswick station. We also met Frh and Nrl at Toowong, who were also going to China town as well. Skalinya banyak org brunei betamu, hehe..

Yunyun and I arrived at China town at 11am and bought our usual kgs of meat. We went back home also via train to toowong, then arrived back home at a quarter past 12pm. Syimsyim, Nabnab, Yunyun and I spent our afternoon at the City and walked in the nearby park. It was a fun destressing day and as usual, we took lots of photos, haha..

Newly weds on a horse ridden carriage.. I never knew that they had this kind of services here! :)

Warm day.. I tried to ambil the picture of the sun, haha, but this is what I got

Bunga2 beguguran.. nda ku tau apa speciesnya ni.. :p

A view of Riverside.. tenang dan damai..

Eh, ada orang nda bebaju.. apa nda, abis bejamur bajunya, haha

Be careful of the edges! gugur ke batu karang, haha..

Deep thoughts, deep thoughts, haha.. :p

Janjan, Syimsyim, Yunyun and Nabnab.. Autumn in the park.. falling leaves.. cold breeze.. :)

A construction work in the city

Mana satu bendera Brunei nah? hehe.. at one of the hotels at the city

We stayed at city till 5pm. I bought some souvenirs for the people back home. We had dinner at home. Syimsyim and Nabnab came over to our place and we watched a Chinese movie. It was late by the time the movie finished, so Syimsyim and Nabnab slept over.

Sunday, I woke up at 9am.. Ada tia human alarm clock 3 org ani membanguni, hahaha.. We had brunch of pizza and roti paun talur. At 12:30pm, Syimsyim, Nabnab, Yunyun, Sa'dy and I had a group discussion of past year exam papers at one of the P.B.L rooms at uni. We stayed there until 4pm.

Kusyuk jua ehhh..

"dua posen! dua posen!" nya c nabnab hehe.. ingat kamu arah cerita p ramlee atu, yg ada adi c zaiton, minta 2 posen dari kakanya.. iatah cematu tu haha :p

Kraja c Sa'dy and c Yunyun. It does make sense in a way :p

Check out the giant spider!

The long way home..

Air pollution!

We walked back home. Yunyun and I had dinner of chicken kurma and sardin. Then we watched Big brother and I have to say that the show is becoming more and more interesting. Now, I'm hooked! We were also watching the news earlier while eating dinner. An interesting story that caught my eye was about the shutdown of the perth airport that occured last night kali tu. The airport authorities suspected the presence of a bomb in several mysterious packages that just arrived from M'sia from the M'sian airline. They shut down the airport for 12 hours just to investigate the situation. It was actually a false alarm rupanya. It was later revealed that the packages contained apanah?.....

hahaha!! I was cracking up laughing at the news.. kecalian ku eh.. adakah bunga talur yg kana pakai untuk orang bebadak atu kana ucap bomb.. asteeee.. :p

Contoh bunga talur.. The ones in the news were silver in colour. Apparently, it was supposed to be delivered to a M'sian family yg tinggal di perth atu..

Adakah.. ish ish ish.. senyum2 ku masih bila tekanangkan news atu, lols.. Bah okey, sampai ani tah saja dulu.

Gd night! :)


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