14 May 2008

Commuting and some sugary goodness

I missed blogging yesterday. Was busy with editing my FQ and meliat tv till late night, hehe.. Yesterday, Yunyun, Syimsyim and I had a Biochem prac at 11am. I paired up with Yunyun during the prac. We prepared solutions and measured the intensity of the wavelength of light of the solutions using a spectrophotometer. These brought back memories of practicals that we did during our studies in UBD 2 years or so ago. The prac ended one and a half hour later. Then we walked to the P.B.L building for our physiology practical which started at 1pm. The practical that we had was regarding blood pressure, and we got to practice again using the sphygomometer and stethoscopes provided. This reminds me, I have gotten my name engraved on my stethoscope masa ke Indroo ariatu. Saja untuk kenang-kenangan and so that I could easily find it if it were to go missing in the future, hehe..

After the prac, Yunyun and I went to the physio refectory for a late lunch. We decided to stay there and get some reading done since there were fewer patrons than normal and it was less noisy. We stayed there until 4:30pm, then headed to Coles at hawken to get some junk food and munchies. We had lemon chicken and veggies for dinner. Spent the night buat kraja masing2.

Today, I woke up at 7:10am. Very late since I actually was planning on going to the 8am lecture. Payah-payahan ku kan bangun tadi atu.. We were 10 minutes late when we arrived at the lecture theater. Menyasal ku dtg! Baik plang ku sambung tidur tu, haha.. Most of the stuff that was lectured were already in the notes and it was quite boring. After the lecture, I returned back home and cooked fries and beef sandwich for brunch. Read some notes then at 11:30am, I went to the bus stop to catch the 412 bus to city. This week, I didnt join Alx for a lift to the hospital, since I planned on singgah ke Star bucks di city later on. Tais liurku! hehehe.. There was traffic at the city but I was quite lucky that by the time I reached the next bus stop to catch the bus to the hospital, I did not have to wait that long. Arrived 30 minutes early before my clinical coaching so I went to the medical school building near the hospital to snap a few pics.

The Medical School building at Herston

We were starting on the Cardiovascular system this week for coaching. As usual, the first week was devoted to practicing history taking, including specific cardiovascular questions that could be asked. The CC lasted for 2 and a half hours. After coaching, I went back to city by bus and met up with Syimsyim, at the Big W building.

The Royal Brisbane Children's hospital bus station

I went to Coles to buy some napkins untuk di rumah. Then Syimsyim and I went to Star bucks and loaded ourselves up with some sugary goodness. We bought drinks for Yunyun and Nabnab as well. We headed back home at 5:30pm. By this time, it was already dark and there was a long queue at the bus stop. Baik jua kami awal queue, dpt jua seats dlm the bus.

For dinner tonight, Yunyun and I masak sendiri2 saja. I had Indo mee with fries and chicken nuggets. Sambil2 atu, liat Big Brother tarus, hehe. Skajap eh, esuk thursday tia.. laju masa atu berlalu..

Gd night! :)


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