27 May 2008


We were taking a break from studying, so we watched Pendekar Bujang Lapok tonight, skalinya rindu kan meliat cerita melayu. This has got to be one of my favourite old P. Ramlee's movie. The characters were lovable and funny to boot, hahaha.. As you know, this movie is about these 3 characters, Ramlee, Sudin and Aziz, who were determined to learn silat from Pendekar Mustar, in the process, having all these funny incidents and pitfalls, especially in trying to win the heart of the pendekar's daughter, Ros, who was a teacher. Of course, there's the bad guy who was also smitten with Ros and in the end, kidnapped Ros when his offer of marriage was refused. It was then up to the newly trained Ramlee, Sudin and Aziz to rescue the damsel in distress, hehehe..

My favourite quotes from the movie would be:

Pak Mustar: "Yang Ini Biola"
Aziz: " Ini bukan biola.. bonggo.."

Sudin: "Sekarang pakcik dengar ye pakcik... Hai mambang tanah, mambang laut, mambang api.. Mambang mabok minum brandy..."
Pak Mustar: "Apa kau ingat negeri mambang ada jual brandy?? Eh! ni apa ni gambar orang-orang ni?"
Sudin: "Tu bukan orang pakcik, tu mambang.."
Pak Mustar: "Mambang kepala otak kau berjambul..."

Cikgu Ros: "Huruf ini sama dengan huruf Jim, huruf Jim matanya di tengah-tengah tetapi huruf ni matanya di atas"
Sudin: "Aa.. Jim ini matanya di tengah-tengah, Jim ini mata di atas cikgu.. Jim pakai toncet.."

Ramlee: "Eeeiii... brapa punya besar lubang hidung daa??"
Ahmad Nisfu: "Besar serobong kapal!"
Ramlee: "Aik, pengsan pun buleh bercakap?!"
Ahmad Nisfu: "Bukan pengsan... takooot!!" [lol]

Ramlee: "nama saya ramli bin nyak putih..kejenya gosok gigi harimau"
Azis: "nama saya azis bin satar....kejenya menunggu ayam jantan bertelur..."
Sudin: "saya sudin bin jali....kejenya sambung ekor beruang...."

Pak Mustar: "eni angkat kainnnn jemuran...hujan dah turunnnnnnnn...."
Aziz:"yg engkau pegi siram kat kepala orang tua tu kenapa???"

Sudin: "eni angkat kain hujannn... jemuran dah turunn..." hahaha

Semua: "cobaannnn..." :p

There's also the great songs in the movie. These old movies are very good, that we just do not tire of watching them.. hehehe..

Bah, atu saja my ramblings for tonight..

Gd night! :)


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