11 May 2008

Weekend woes

Today is Mother's day (see previous post). I texted my mom this morning, wishing her Happy Mother's Day. She replied, " Terima Kasih anak ku....." which almost brought some telltale tears in my eyes..sighh.. Mind you, I don't cry easily. I guess I was just remembering how it was like in Brunei, to be with your family and cousins, spending time together at get togethers and gatherings and such. And here I am, some thousands of kilometers away.. all in the name of education, hehe.. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do, to get what you want out of life.. :)

My weekend has been pretty tame. On Saturday, I woke up at around 9am. I was late for my 10am tutorial with Hsn. That was our last tute with Hsn before the coming mid semester exam, which is about less than 4 weeks away. So much to study but so little time, might as well make the most of the remaining time, right? hehehe.. As usual, it was a good tute. We stayed in the P.B.L room for 2 hours, until 12pm. Yunyun and I then headed back home. I went to acai's to get some stuff for dinner later. I spent the afternoon starting on my case summary for this week's case, in between facebooking and chatting, hehe.. Yunyun and I decided to have mee kari for our early dinner. We discovered our remaining packet of curry powder has expired. The expiry date on the packet said 2006! ha! how could we not notice that lying in our cupboard for so long, I dont know.. hahaha.. baik jua kami cek, kalau nda, makan kari 2 years outdated tah kami tu.. haha.. asteee..

So then I went again to acai to get a new packet of curry powder. I swear, I dont think I can stay away from that place. In a week, 4-5 kali, kalitu ku ke sana, haha.. We had our dinner sambil liat tv. At 7pm, Yunyun and I went to Syim and Nab's place to do and discuss past year questions. Sa'dy and Hazzie were there as well. We stayed there well until midnight then made our way home. The night was really cold! Went home then main internet lagi. I couldn't sleep straight away.. must be the caffeine kicking in..

Sunday, today, I woke up really late.. Had a major sleep in today.. sampai bangun pukul 11am. I slept at almost 2am last night. Cukup jua tidurku atu, hehe.. Had a beef sandwich for lunch. At noon, I continued on my case summary and had it done and over with. Lps atu, surfing the net bhapa. I didnt really do much today, boring ku jua. Yunyun and I had an early dinner today. We wanted to make lemon chicken but rupanya, lemon kami habis. So, I decided to try again making buttermilk chicken. Menjadi jua, nyaman, hehehe.. We had that with veggies and sotong kicap for dinner. Then, at night, I did some cleaning in my room. It's now spotlessly clean, I hope. Nyaman jua mataku meliat, when compared to the disaster area it has been for 2 weeks now, haha.. The cleaning improved my mood, sambil nyanyi2 ku lagi tu tadi membersih bilik atu. Eh awu, while I was cleaning, I saw a BIG cockroach trying to get into my closet! That's what you get for leaving the door ajar most of the time. Immediately I went to the kitchen to get the bottle of "Mortein". The insect spray guarantees fast knockdown and kills fast any insects. There's a picture of a cockroach on the bottle so this should work. So there I was, aimed with the Mr Mortein on my hand, spending a good 3-5 minutes spraying directly at the cockroach which seemed to have a mind of its own.. jalan2 jua ia masih walaupun udah ku spray directly arah nya.. Apa lahhh, mortein, di manakah janji2 mu itu? Adakah semuanya palsu? (imagine saja suara c bawang merah arah cerita lama atu) That was not a fast kill at all, haha.. eventually, the cockroach was lying on its back and was struggling to get back on its feet. Probably, kinda dazed and confused at that moment after my constant spraying, hahaha.. I'm evil.. Ahirnya mati tia jua olehku.. By that time, my room pun bebau all these chemicals, paksa ku buka window ku.. It was cold outside, and a half moon can be seen from my bedroom window. I was done cleaning by 9pm. And now, here I am..

Gd night! :)


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