21 May 2008

Surprise Surprise

Ahhhh.. missed blogging yesterday, skalinya nada mood kan, hehe.. Yesterday, I had practicals till noon. Ada plang microbes prac ptg atu, tapi malas ku masuk, hehe.. I heard that we have to pee in a bottle for analysis and inoculation on agar plates, hahaha, malas tah ku dtg skali mendgr atu. Dulu balik2 peeing in bottles for our hospital checkups, ganjil rasanya. Instead, Syimsyim, Nabnab and I went to Indroo to get our hands on the recently halal KFC. Tais liur kami atu.. Yunyun decided not to join us and we tapaukan saja for her. Nyaman makan kami atu, hehe. Finally, found the sling bag that my sister wants. I've been scouring bnyak shops to find the perfect bag for her. Hope she likes what I got her, hehe.. We went home at around 3pm. We did not cook dinner last night. Spent the night revising, and calling my family in Brunei. It feels good to hear their voices and I feel psyched that in less than 3 weeks, I'll be there in Brunei with them. :)

Today I woke up at 8am. Spent the morning going through my CC handbook and watching videos for my coaching this afternoon. At a quarter to 12, I walked to uni to meet up with Alx and Aln for a lift to the hospital. We arrived early as usual. This week, we practiced physical examinations of the cardiovascular system. That took 2 hours and we finished by 3pm. Alx drove us home. I went home just to freshen up, then walked back to uni for the 4pm tutorial. We covered the renal block and the tute finished in less than 3 hours. That was to be our last tute for this semester, before the upcoming exams. We stayed at the P.B.L room for a bit before heading out.

At 7pm, Yunyun, Syimsyim, Nabnab and I then walked home and went to Bluehouse for a surprise b'day for Hazzie.

Nazmi's cat, c Jazzy.. Kiut ah.. he was hyperactive tonight, haha

Hazzie's b'day cake

Birthday girl

Group photo with the Bluehouse peeps

Makan kek sandar2, hahaha..

Tambah lagi, tambah... hehehe

With b'day girl :)

New rap group in town, Yunyun, Rhmat & Fathmee :p

Gd night! :)


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