12 May 2008

Berhati-hati di jalan raya

Another weekend gone.. It's the start of another week. This morning, I woke up at 7am. 7am! Instead of snoozing, I actually pressed the stop button, hence the lateness. Baik jua ku tebangun, kalau nda majorly late tah ku for my 8am P.B.L tu, hehe.. It was nice to snuggle this morning, sajukk nyanta.. I think the sound of sirens woke me up. At first I thought that I was in la-la dream land, tapinya banar ada bunyi ambulance rupanya. Took the cold blast of the icy water to wake me up, haha.. I had to rush and then took a banana to munch on the way to uni. When I left my building, there was quite a commotion not far away. There was actually an accident near the round about, which according to my friend later on, involved a car and a bicycle. There was traffic and ambulances around the accident site. That explains my early morning wake up call. The bicycle was seriously picak ani wah, I don't know if there are any injuries kah apa, I hope nobody was hurt bad. I continued on my walk to uni, or else I'll be late for my P.B.L session. Inda ku dapat subuk2 batah, hehehe..

We were able to reign free during this week's P.B.L. Our tutor was not able to make it to the P.B.L due to a migraine yang datang this morning. As usual, we started with last week's case summary and mechanisms. I presented last week's case summary. We had a new case this week, regarding hypertension. As usual, new FQs were assigned to everyone. The P.B.L session was over in just 2 hours. Siuk eh kalo awal siap cemani ani. After P.B.L, I went to the printing shop, then headed to the physio refectory for an early lunch. Was really hungry by that time. I had fish and chips, makan sorang2 lagi tu, haha.. Malas ku kan balik rumah today, although I have 4 hours of break before the afternoon lectures. Lapas mengisi parut, I went to the library to research and get started on my FQ for this week. Stayed there until a quarter to 2pm. Then I walked to the lecture theater and sat with Yunyun, Nabnab and Syimsyim. Usulnya kami saja org Brunei yg dtg ptg ani, hehe.. The first lecture that we had was really good. I like the lecturer and the way he explained things. It was actually a revision of a similar lecture that we had before by the same lecturer. Nabnab and I decided to stay for the second lecture on drug discovery, which we both agreed later on do not seem to be related to the case this week. Lain plang bah ajarnya, I feel like I was in an information session or something. There were mentions of a lot of machines, molecular diagrams, and something about snake venoms.. haha.. that's how attentive I was tadi atu.. Ndaku concentrate, doodling on my notes ada ku pulang.. We decided to skip the last lecture and just head back home.

Arrived back home to my still clean bedroom, hehe, then rested for a while. I continued working on my FQ and eventually finished it, yay! For dinner, Yunyun and I had fried chicken and BBQ daging. I just learned today, that I am staying with my current tutor for clinical coaching and it will still be held at the same time and place as before. Happy ku! The thing is, my P.B.L group has now been divided into 3 groups for coaching instead of our usual 2 groups. This is due to the large number of students in one coaching group. I was relieved to find out that I'll still be with my current tutor ani, who is really good in my opinion. So now, instead of 6 people, there will only be 4 people in my coaching group atu. All is well then..

Gd night! :)


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