07 August 2008

Seeing yellow

Today's quite a cold day unlike the past 2-3 days or so. The wind is blowing strongly though the mighty Mr. Sunshine is blazing high in the sky. Woke up at 8:15am, then had my shower and brekkie before heading to uni. I went to uni early today to print out my FQ at the printing shop. Close to 10am, I went to the PBL building for an EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) session today. As with previous sessions, I am expecting the session to be rather dull. I mean, how am I supposed to be excited by a couple of graphs and interpreting/analysing study designs such as cohort studies lah, apa lah.. waduhh, not really my cup of tea. hehe.. Not bad lah the session tadi atu, I guess this may be due to the fact that the session ended earlier than the intended 2 hours. We were going through the topic on prognosis study and concepts of disease kah tadi atu.

Anyhuu, after EBM, Cass and I went to the physio refectory for a snack. I made an egg and cheese sandwich at the Make Your Own sandwich station. We saw Val and Pei in the refectory as well and joined their table. After our little lunch session, we headed back to the PBL building for our 12pm PBL session. As usual, thursday is presentation day. That ended at 2pm. While Cass and I went to check the board for this and next week's timetable, I saw a flash of yellow at the corner of my eye. Rupanya ada med student in a yellow banana suit selling chocolates! They were selling the chocolates for a dollar each. I think the proceeds from the sale will go to charity kali tu. I'm not so sure plang, I think they did announce arah lectures kalau ada orang kan volunteer to jual some chocolates for this med society within the med school. I wasn't really paying much attention at that time, but I'm sure the money is for good purposes, hehe. It's a good thing that they are willing to do so sampai memakai suit lagi. So Cass and I membali tah the chocolates.

After that, I went to the library and stayed there till 5. Btw, the students in the yellow banana suits remind me of the "Bananas in Pyjamas". I know of them but never really properly watch the programme. Since aku curious, ku google tia kan. Rupanya, Bananas in Pyjamas ani is actually an Australian children's tv show yg kana premiered in 1992. That's quite new rupanya. Since ia femes di sini, jadi kana show tia sampai ke US apa. The main characters in the show are two bananas, B1 and B2. They have a catchphrase, often said when the duo get an idea, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1?", "I think I am, B2!".. Haha, kiut.. :p

And they have a theme song as well:
"Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs,
Bananas in pyjamas are coming down in pairs,
Bananas in pyjamas are chasing teddy bears,
'Cause on tuesdays they all try to catch them unawares!"
I don't know what made them do a show on bananas. Well, not exactly, on bananas, but based on a talking and singing banana. I guess it helps to stimulate a child's imagination to overdrive, haha. Bah, off topic tah ku plang nah, haha.. anyway, that's just a little fun trivia for all of you. There are no lectures scheduled tomorrow, so I'm free! yahooo! But the electrician yang kan repair our washing machine atu kan datang esuk, nda lagi alang-alang tu, panya kan datang kul 7 pagi ia nya.. Waduhh.. awal bangun tah ni esuk. Set alarm ni, haha, nda apa lah, bleh tidur balik lapas atu! Alright then, kan makan es krem ku ni..

Gd night! :)


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