04 August 2008

Nasi Briyani Merah

I was having a difficult time to wake up this morning. I am certainly not a morning person. Woke up at 7am to a cold morning. Kajar2 ku mandi. As usual, it's the 8am PBL session for me today, so at 10 minutes to 8, I walked leisurely to uni, knowing that I'll be late for PBL. I know that by the time I arrived, balum lagi start tu, since our tutor selalunya ahir datang on Mondays. Well, not that late, hehe..

As usual, we had the case and mechanism summary presentations followed by the discussion of a new case. The PBL case for this week is on breast cancer. Since our tutor this time around is a clinician, as opposed to the previous two tutors, she usually spends a lot of time discussing each triggers in the case, exploring all the possible hypotheses and mechanisms. She is very thorough in her approach and told us to treat the problem as if it is a real case. Bagus lah, I like her style in guiding our PBL group atu so far. As usual, at the end of PBL would be the allocation of FQs. My FQ of the week is on Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). By the end of PBL, my stomach was already grumbling balik-balik. I'm sure my tutor kedangaran since tadi I was sitting next to her. Tapi ku buat macam biasa saja, haha. Ada plang ku notice macam ia meliat aku, hahaha.. But she was gracious enough not to point it out, hehehe..

After PBL, I went to the printing shop to print out the anatomy practical notes for tomorrow. We'll be having our first dissection on cadavers tomorrow! Usually during anatomy pracs, we only get to examine and look at the cadaver specimens provided. Ani first time dissection nya. Macam excited jua, nda jua, haha, ntah lah, liat lah esuk cemana. Then, I went to the library to borrow some books for my FQ before heading home. I had chicken burger and wedges for lunch (I'm in the wedges and chips addiction phase right now somehow, haha). Spent the afternoon doing my FQ. It's quite an interesting topic really. Menopause is the cessation of a woman's menstrual cycle, meaning that, habis period. A woman can only be considered menopausal when nda lagi ada period after 12 months. The normal age range for menopause in a woman is between 45 and 55. It's normal to have certain symptoms once we have reached menopause, such as weight gain(!), bone loss (iatah bini2 tinggi risiko nya dapat osteoporosis), headaches, mood swings, etc. Menopause ani jua pasal ada hormonal changes in the body especially decreasing estrogen levels, leading to kehabisan menstruation and impacting the body parts yg kana influence or controlled oleh estrogen such as bones and urinary tract. Iatah some people may resort to hormone replacement therapy to reduce these symptoms, etc. Anyway, atu lah a bit of summary of menopause and HRT from my research tadi. :p

I managed to finish my FQ today (yey!) so I'll just do the editing tomorrow lah. Eh awu, aku ada cerita. Today, Yunyun and I tais liur kan makan nasi briyani kan. So Yunyun buat nasi briyani daging while I cooked ayam merah. Ani first time Yunyun kan try buat. I have no experience in membuat nasi briyani ani jua. We had most of the ingredients but nada pewarna kuning. We are so determined to have "coloured" briyani wah, so we checked the cupboard and yang ada ganya, this other colour kan. Kami stubborn and mau jua pakai just for the fun of it. We like experimenting, haha. Warna apa nah kami pakai, warna merah! We only had the red colouring untuk buat manisan, so ntam saja tah. Malas jua rasanya ke acai membali. C Yunyun excited ni udah, bila ia masukkan the coloring ke dalam periuk. It did look weird at first though, haha. Once masak.. wah!! Merah wah nasinya ah! hahaha.. Jarang nampak nasi briyani merah ani. Macam ABC ada jua usulnya, hehe.. Well, don't judge the food from it's colour.. it turned out really nyaman, haha :p

Tadaaa!!! Nasi Beriyani Merah ala Brisbane.. haha

Kami notice tadi rupanya almost semua kami pakai and makan warna merah today! :)

So that's quite an interesting cooking session that we had tadi. Sambil makan we watched America's Next Top Model on channel 10. Lps atu buat kraja masing2. Bah atu saja ceritaku today :)

Gd night! :)


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