02 August 2008

11 girls and a guy

Nda ku faham cuaca di sini ani. Skajap panas, skajap sajuk, ish ish ish.. Macam tadi siang, panas.. skali malam, sajuk tia macam dlm "es bok" hehe.. ntah lah, perubahan cuaca.. Anyhuu, what did I do yesterday? What an uneventful day it was yesterday. I went to uni at 9am to join another group's clinical coaching tutorial. We were supposed to have ours on Wednesday but since there was unavailability of tutor this week, we were asked to join other groups but from the same PBL group. We are currently learning the clinical examination of the Musculoskeletal system, which is quite comprehensive, banyak kan dibelajar! Kaki tia, bahu, elbow, spine, hip, etc etc.. pokoknya, seluruh badan dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki! hahaha (i'm exaggerating a bit though) :p.

After CC, I went to the library skajap before heading home. I got really bored at home, so I decided to exercise by walking to Coles di Hawken, tarus bali some essentials like eggs, etc. Back home, I tried baking a butter cake, menjadi jua lah. I just bought the ready made ones where you just need to add in eggs, milk and butter. It turned out quite good, hehehe. Nyanyat ku bali lagi nanti.

At night, Syimsyim and Nabnab came over and we watched You Dont Mess With the Zohan. It was a really hilarious movie, I tell you. Selahau lah jua, with lots of innuendos and it's definitely a movie for mature audience. Lots of funny scenes and you'll find yourself comically disgusted at certain scenes, hahaha. I'd rate the movie, 8/10. :)

Today, woke up at 8:15am. We had a tutorial with Hsn and Frh at one of the PBL rooms. We discussed last week's case of benign prostate hyperplasia. After the 2 hours tute, Yunyun and I took the bus from Uni to Toowong station, where we boarded on the train there to Brunswick Station in Chinatown. Kehabisan stok kami ah, nada ayam and daging, hehe.. Somehow today, there were a lot more people shopping than usual. We bought our usual supply of 4 kgs of chicken and 2 kgs of beef. Eh awu, harga sayur macam naik sedikit. The broccoli usually costs around $3-$4 a kilo. Tadi nya Yunyun, bejual $7 a kilo! Gilerr, bnyak naiknya atu, ish ish ish..

After Chinatown, we made our way back to Toowong by train. Singgah ke Coles to bali cooking oil and other stuff. Luckily this time, we managed to naik bus tarus ke St Lucia without much waiting. Knowing our luck, we usually have to wait as long as half an hour for the bus to come, haha. At home, we masak sendiri2 our lunch then buat kraja sendiri2. I had a Southpark marathon tadi, sampai tetidur in front of the tv, haha.

Tonight, Shing invited us to a birthday treat at Salt and Battery at Hawken Drive. Thanks Shing! :) Sa'dy, Fathme, Haz, Yunyun and I gathered in front of our apartment building before walking to the seafood restaurant. We arrived at 7:30pm. There wasn't a lot of diners tonight. Had a good time tonight. :)

Nyum nyum :) I love the battered fish! :p

Nabnab and Syimsyim

Fathmee and me

Pei Pei, Yunyun, Cass, Hazzie, Sa'dy

One side of the table. Look at Fathmee's expression! So funny! haha

The other side of the table

All the girls :)

Group photo. All the girls plus Rahmat :)

We stayed there till 9pm before heading home. Rahmat, Sa'dy, Syimsyim and Nabnab came over to our place and we watched a Malay horror movie, "Congkak" yang kami minjam dari c Azim, hehe. Tekajut saja ku. Apa lagi, betutup muka with all the pillows, hahaha.. Not bad movienya atu, I'd give it a 7/10, hehe. Siuk eh weekend ani, I'm sooo looking forward to sleep in tomorrow.

Gd night! :)


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