31 August 2008

Happy Birthday Bulan!

Lone Pine, 2007


Karaoke at the Mall, 2008 :p

30/08/2008: A very special birthday greeting to my dear "little" sister, Mun! (Moon/Bulan/M****). Happy Birthday, my dear! Semoga dipanjangkan umur, murah rezeki, dirahmati Allah selalu. Walaupun jauh, but I still remember you and the family everyday. I miss you very much and will see you soon in two months time!. I am the eldest and only have one sibling, c Mun whom I am very close to. All the best in your studies dear sister, next year A levels! :) As the M**** part, haha, I actually had a name that I sometimes call her to tease her, kalau ku gtau sini, malu ia karang, haha.. That's just between the two of us, hehehe.. :p


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