Sungkai: 5:44pm
We had a tutorial at 10am this morning at one of the PBL rooms in uni, discussing cases for weeks 29 and 30 with Hsn.
After tutorial, we went to DFO, the Airport branch. We caught the bus from uni to Toowong station, where we boarded the train to Toombul. From Toombul station, we went to the bus stop there to catch the 308 bus to DFO. We arrived at around 2pm, then went our separate ways since kami kan check out different stuff.
Ada jua some kadai yg on sale arah DFO atu. DFO ani, stands for Direct Factory Outlet. It's actually a huge shopping place, selling stuffs directly from factories, jadi kirakan yang kana jual atu usually discounted lah, iatah siuk, hehe.. I got some baju for my sister and myself. Aku atu kan bali jeans ganya nda ku nyaman memakai when I went to try some out. Nda tah ku jadi bali. Puma ada sale tadi sampai 50% discount. I bought a new pair of silver and pink trainers tadi since my present one ani looks quite worn out udah haha.. So quite happy with my purchases lah tadi, hehe. We ended our shopping excursion at 4:30pm then caught the bus to Toombul bus stop again before taking another bus to city. We decided to have our sungkai at an Indonesian restaurant in West End. So we turun bus at the Cultural Centre bus stop and then naik the 199 bus to West End.
By the time we arrived at the restaurant, sungkai tia udah. This is our first time eating at the restaurant, namanya Makanan Indonesia. Sady pernah plang sudah makan di sana iatah ia recommend the place. Sady made a booking earlier to ensure this time kami dapat meja. Pernah dulu kami kan makan di sana tapi panuh ani, so durang advise suruh call to book awal to make sure dpt meja. I ordered nasi goreng ayam and telur goreng special, while the rest ordered nasi with ayam apa namanya kah tu, "ayam rica rica" kali tu nya Yunyun, haha.. And get this.. ada "es cendol" on the menu!! (*squee!!*) Payah kan belurih cendol kali ah di Brisbane ani, haha.. I was actually craving kan makan cendol since ani time puasa kan, so mengorder tah ku tadi "es cendol" nya atu. Walaupun harganya $4 segalas, bah mana saja tah, sama jua elaun baru keluar, haha.. Yang lain ada mengorder "es campur" jua and teh tarik dingin. Nyaman masakan nya atu, even the es cendol pun ku kenyamanan. Iatah nya durang tadi atu, rasanya macam makan arah Pondok Seri Wangi di Brunei, haha.. They even makan pakai tangan tadi atu, asikkk.. The place is not really that big, but comfy lah jua.. And while we eat, we were entertained by an Indonesian singer playing some indon music on his keyboard, hehehe.. The voice's not bad, not bad at all.. :p Even c Nabnab pun able to recognise one of the songs kana nyanyikan atu.. Aaaaa...minat lagu indon jua panya c Nabnab ani, haha :p
Kami habis makan by 7 lalu.. Dengan perut kenyang dan senyuman lebar, (haha), we left the restaurant. By this time, start tia hujan barai-barai nah. We naik bus to West End citycat terminal. Luckily, masa kami sampai atu, citycat pun baru sampai, so tarus tah kami naik. Sampai ke Guyatt Park then walked home. Sampai rumah 7:40pm. Sa'dy came over to our place jua. What a great day it has been. Kan rehat tah ku ni. Bah.
Gd night! :)
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