11 July 2009

Monkey Paw Prints?

Here is an update on our monkey situation as some of you may well be aware from my previous posts hehe.

So this morning, my dad informed me that he noticed a few paw prints on one of our cars, especially on the trunk of the car, which were not there the night before. He said that those prints most certainly came from the monkeys since the fingers and thumb are quite defined compared to cat's prints which would have been smaller and finger-less heheh. It couldn't be human prints right, since these are smaller unless they belong to a child. Now, there couldn't be children wandering around at night at the back of the house unattended. Bowhhhh.. haha. So, the best conclusion would be, that the prints belong to a monkey's. In addition, the prints are dusty with soil. Seems that the monkeys had quite a party last night hahaha. This is the first time this has ever happened. We do see cat's prints once in a while which is very seldom.

Monkey paw prints on the car trunk

Quite defined prints

Close up of a paw print. You can see clearly the outline of four fingers, the thumb and the palm.. hehe


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