18 July 2009

Going to a football match

It has been ages since I went to watch a football match. The last time was probably years ago, the year when the Brunei Tebuan team was made as the champion. So tonight, was the first time in years that I stepped into the stadium to watch a game. I went with Tiyah, Rahmat, Krl, Sharimie, Nazmi and some of Rahmat's siblings. The match started at 8:20pm. The S'pore team scored the first goal in the game during the first half. The excitement only really started during the second half when DPMMFC scored the first goal, which was then later followed by a second one. It was hilarious to hear some of the commentaries and shouts from the public, especially when they booed (ok, we booed too, haha) and cursed the other team players, hahaha. The two goals really got us to our feet as we clapped and high-fived and whopped along with the crowd, haha. In the end, after the final whistle was blown, our home team won the match with a score of 2 - 1! So we headed home with hoarse voices and the memory of a fun evening. :)

The match ticket, $5 per entry

An area near the stadium

Rahmat with our Brisbane friends, Sharimie and Krl during the break at half time :)

Krl, me and Tiyah at the bleachers :)

Nya Krl, ani muka kami marah, hahaha.. after the first half of the game since our home team balum score, haha

The stadium

Our home team

The match still going on

The final score, 2 - 1. DPMMFC won! Yay! :P

Gd night! :)


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