I love the ABC (air batu campur) yang bejual di Sumbangsih atu. I don't know which stall but my dad yang selalu balikan. This week saja kan setiap hari ku minum ABC hahaha. It is yummier if ice cream is added, but I usually add lagi extra ice cream di rumah haha.. memang sihaaattt buiii... liat saja mukaku makin bulat hahaha :P
Nothing much has happened since my last post. Currently, I'm busying myself with Grey's Anatomy marathon hehehe. Tadi I went out with Mun skajap since I wanted to buy season 3's dvds for my collection. Bought season 2 last week, sudah ku habis liat, haha.
See, stuffing my face and being a couch potato now.. how productive ey :P
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