04 March 2009

Happy Birthday Mom & Dad! :)

Last Friday, 27th February was my Dad's 50th Birthday. Since it was my cousin's wedding, we did not have enough time to celebrate his birthday that day. My Mom's 49th Birthday was on Sunday, 1st March, and so, we had a mini celebration for both their birthdays at home. Since my days in Brisbane, I have missed a lot of birthdays of my loved ones. Usually greetings were made through phone calls. Now that I'm back in Brunei, it feels good to be back celebrating their birthdays in person.

To mom and dad, Selamat Ulang Tahun! Semoga sentiasa bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat, dipanjangkan umur, sihat walafiat, dimurahkan rezeki dan dirahmati Allah selalu. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. We both love you very much! :)

The birthday cake :) Chocolate and Strawberry Ice cream cake

Mom and dad, cutting the cake :)

My cousins and uncle


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