22 October 2009

Meatballs and Robots.. Now that's a weird combo..

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Source: entertainmentwallpaper.net

Last week, Mun and I went to watch a movie at the cineplex. We decided to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which is an animated film. The movie is adapted from a children's book by Ron and Judi Barrett. The main character is Flint Lockwood, a young scientist, who is trying to create something that could improve the lives of the people in his town. The other main character is Sam Sparks, a weathergirl who comes to the town who hides her intelligence behind a perky exterior. It is a unique, rather original film. Just the idea of having food fall from the sky is a bit weird, but the film managed to be entertaining and funny. The graphics are very good. The colourful setting of the movie and some of the tantalizing delicious looking food on screen really makes you hungry at the end of the movie, in addition to having cravings of various kinds, haha. I especially enjoy the character of the cop in the movie as well. It is a good family movie. I'd rate the movie 8/10. :)

Here's the movie trailer:

Source: wallpaperster.com

This week, we watched another movie, Surrogate. This is another interesting movie where humans live in isolation and only interacts through robots known as surrogates. It was a bit confusing at first but it gets better as the story evolved. This action/sci-fi film really makes you think especially with all its twists and turns. I did not really have a high expectation for the film but it turned out great in the end hehe. I can't imagine myself being holed up in my home for eternity. As someone who likes to go out once in a while, I think I would go crazy! haha. Well, that is just me. But overall, it was an interesting concept for a movie which I surprisingly enjoyed. I'd rate the movie 8/10 as well. :)

Here's the trailer for the movie:

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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