21 January 2010

Dinner and other updates

On Tuesday night, we had a small catch-up dinner at the newly opened Secret Recipe at the Mall. Since Syim, Shing and Sa'dy will be leaving soon for Brisbane, we decided to get together for the last time before they fly back.

Valerie & Shing senyum

Rahmat, me & Syimah senyum

Okay, in another note, here are a few updates about some of the going ons in my life right now, hehe. After I got back from KL, I received a letter for another job interview at SPA the next day. So I had little time to prepare but I think the interview went very well, so I am very hopeful doa that I can get that job. Recently, I had a written exam for another job at SPA. So right now, it's back to waiting for another 2 months or so for the results and at the same time, looking for other posts to apply.

In the mean time, I've been offered another part time job in UBD, which most likely will be starting in February. The part time job is quite similar to the one that I did previously, working as an Assistant Project Manager, but this time, it will be for 4 months. Though the good thing about it is that I could quit if I were to be offered a job in the government within the 4 months. senyum Now, I am still waiting for my salary from the first part time job to come out; it has been more than a month! merajuk penatI do understand that it takes time to process these things though. Oh well.. patience, patience! kenyit

Hmm, other than that, nothing much is going on right now. I am just filling my time by catching up with some of my favourite tv shows such as Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, etc. Oooo, and I am happy that I have another season of American Idol to look forward to each week! I am such a big fan. malu The audition weeks are always my favourite, laughing at some of the silly costumes and overconfident contestants' antics. gelakguling

This clip is the funniest audition from last night's show (Chicago audition)! It had me and my sister laughing rolling on the floor, literally! gelakguling He is very polite though, haha. Sometimes I do not know what these people are thinking fikir . But I applaud him for his bravery for trying out! tepuktangan

Another funny audition clip which I am sure most of you have probably seen (Atlanta audition)! gelakguling

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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