22 November 2009

Workshop + Random

Hello readers,

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I have been attending a workshop, which is now halfway done. Since Monday, I have been attending Key Leadership Skills and Strategic Thinking module sessions and right now, we are currently doing a module on Financial Management. I have to say that, having no background in finance (I am a science gal through and through, haha), it takes quite sometime to digest and understand all these financial jargons. I mean, before, I don't think I have any idea what is equity, or assets, or shareholders, or liabilities, or inventory turnovers, or all the ratios that need to be calculated and so on. It is quite a lot to take in for 2 days, haha, but I think it's good to at least have an idea of what those things are. I am hoping to be able to get something out of these module sessions. New knowledge is always welcomed! :)

We had to do some group discussions and presentations in addition to lecture-style sessions with different trainers. Here are some photos that I took so far during the workshop.

During a group activity with Dr Patrick, where we were divided into two groups to play a game in the foyer, during Key Leadership Skills session. Our group lost by the way, haha.

During our group's presentation for Strategic thinking module

Our trainer for Strategic thinking

Where the workshop is being held and where I am working part time now, hehe. A Unibridge open day is also being held at the same building

Ok, this is rather random. While I was at the mall last night, there were performances being held at the main lobby from winners of a competition. Though the details now has escaped from my mind hehe. But I took some photos as seen below.

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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