30 November 2009

The Last Day of the V-Sigma Workshop

Today is the last day of the V-Sigma workshop. After morning and afternoon sessions, there was a closing ceremony held as well as certificate presentation for all the participants of the workshop. I feel that I have gained much from the workshop. After the financial management module that I mentioned previously, we had 2 other modules to cover which included Strategic Negotiation skills and Executive Legal skills for the second half of the workshop. There was a lot of role playing involved in the negotiation module that we did and so on. I've met some of my old x-Maktab Sains school mates as well as a former MS teacher who were also participating in the workshop. It was a fruitful experience and I hope that the skills and new knowledge that I have gotten from the workshop will find its useful application in the future. :)

Below are some piccies from the second half of the workshop.

Role playing during Strategic Negotiation module

During one of the sessions of Executive Legal skills

One of my doodles, haha

Below are some pics from the closing ceremony of the workshop today.

During the closing ceremony

Some of fellow participants of the workshop

Ka Sari, Azni, me and Tinah :) (my work colleagues)

Me with Dr Mona (one of the trainers), Azni and Mariah :)

Azni and me with Dr Patrick (also one of the trainers) :)

Fellow x-Maktab Sains mates with our former teacher, Cgu Hjh Sapiah who is also attending the workshop with us :)

With our boss, director of ILIA, Dr Diana :)

Where we usually have our breaks :)

Also other fellow participants

And finally, my certificate! :D

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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