03 November 2009

The one at the Career Fair

As part of the Pesta Convo, a career fair is being held at the Chancellor hall in UBD today and tomorrow (3rd-4th Nov). Thus, my colleague Azni and I are now stationed on one of the booths provided to promote a workshop which will be held this November. As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts, I am now working part time in UBD. The career fair kicked off today, with an opening ceremony being held in the afternoon. Here are some piccies below :)

Career Fair 2009

A forum being held in the morning

The UBD booth

My colleague Azni, who turns out to be one of my distant relative, and me :)

Rahmat, who came to check out the fair :)

A police boat on display outside

Some of the authorized vehicles

The art corner, where anyone can paint anything they like on the canvases

Beautiful on-the-spot paintings

Some of the booths at the career fair

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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