13 November 2009

Phobia 2

Phobia 2
Source: fareastfilms.com

Last week, Tiyah, Rahmat and myself went to watch Phobia 2 at the Mall cineplex. It is a Thai horror film which showcased five different stories: Novice, Ward, Backpackers, Salvage and In the End. Personally, I think the 4th story is the scariest while the 5th is the funniest. What a way to neutralise the movie haha. I haven't watched the first movie though, and I intend to do so, since the 2nd movie is so good! I have to admit that there are quite a few times that I have to cover my eyes, as you know I would do, hehe. There are some unexpected twists and turns in the movie, so it's good how unpredictable some of the stories are. I'd rate the movie 8.5/10! Yes, that's how awesome it is! :)

Here's a trailer of the movie:

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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