17 April 2009

More ambuk sightings

Now, what did I tell you before?

Memang sah! Ambuk di sini makin belabih! makin gauk!

Just a few minutes ago, a grey very very naughty monkey can be seen carefully snooping around the opened kitchen window. I was sitting in front of my laptop and the kitchen window was visible from where I was sitting. I noticed a sudden movement at the corner of my eye. When I turned my head to look, I let out another surprised yell. Yes, yes, I know.., you would think that after the first 2-3 times that happened, I would have gotten used to it by now hahaha.

Why do they keep coming back?? My mom's theory is that, the monkeys keep coming back to see me, since after her first encounter a few weeks ago, it was me who has had the honour of meeting the little terrors for 2-3 times now.. hehehe

Barang kali kan bawa main kali... dapat jua sama-sama begaru mencek kutu, hahaha.. tapi nda ku bekutu eh.. jauh palis haha..

As usual, after my cries, the monkeys flee with practiced ease and grabbed the leftover rice that we usually put outside for the birds to eat. I think the main reason why they keep coming back is probably to check if there are more leftover rice inside or maybe, they just like the thrill of getting caught. Who knows how their brains work? We don't mind them eating the rice, sedakah lah, but kalau sampai masuk ke rumah, nda tau cemana nanti hahaha.

Monkeys hanging out on the railing at the back of the house

Dua ekong ambuk makan nasi


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