13 October 2008

The quest for the purple flowers

After a day of studying tadi, I decided to go for a jog in the afternoon. Finally, yay!! I say to myself; Self, sudah exercise mentally, why not exercise physically? :p The weather was cooperating as well, not too hot and not cold.. just nice lah. Bila dikira-kira, I think that I have not jogged for quite some time now, ada kali 2 bulan labih, ish ish ish.. Patut tah makin "sihat" as commented by my mom masa ia nampak my recent pictures, hahaha.. oh well, puasa udah tu sebulan nah, hehehe.. tapi malam nya makan ehhh.. that did not help my case at all, haha.. oh well, asal bahagia :p

Anyhuuu, I started my "jog" around 4:30pm tadi. I decided to begin on a different route. Usually tarus saja ku jalan ke sports complex di UQ and ke bridge, but today, I decided to "tukar angin". Instead, I began around the William Dart Park near Munro St since I wanted to see the beautiful purple Jacaranda trees again.

On the way to the William Dart Park

William Dart Park, St Lucia

Batah nda jogging, ketara nda fit, haha, naik bukit along Carmody Rd pun kapus-kapus :p

I made my way down the hill to Mitre Street, and singgah skajap membuzz rumah Syimsyim and Nabnab. Lapas atu, Syimsyim decided to join me jogging. Together we made our way to McQuarie Street, sambil cerita-cerita and jalan-jalan atu, cuci mata and begambar with the beautiful blossoming flowers. Lawa-lawa the sceneries tadi, lapas arah sebuting pokok, begambar lagi kami arah pokok lain, hahaha, lain plang wah kami buat tadi atu. :p

Bunga purple kembang cantik ditaman dan siring-siring jalan

Promosi kasut nike dan puma, haha

Ani kami tejumpa this one place, lawa! ada banyak purple petals dapan this building along McQuarie street jua. Ani attempt to gambar sendiri tapi nda nampak the petals, haha

Syimsyim's attempt at melumpat, haha

Arah McQuarie St

On the way to the UQ sports complex, we met Cass who was also jogging along the pathway. So the 3 of us, jalan tah together.

Cass and Syimsyim

We then made our way to the Eleanor Schonell bridge from one end to the other.

The view of the Brisbane river from the bridge

Another purple tree

And another purple tree at UQ.. hehe

On the way to the road under the bridge

From there, Syimsyim and I made our way back along McQuarie Street again, then singgah arah restaurant thailand bali minuman, haha.. kalau di brunei ni, sudah tah kali singgah makan murtabak, hahaha.. Anyhuu, we then went back to our respective homes. Sampai rumah 6:20pm. Batah wah, kami "jogging" atu, hehe. It was fun though and refreshing lah jua.

Malam cooked dinner, watched Australian Idol, belajar, then blogging. There you go.. that's how my day went. How's yours?

Gd night! :)


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