Apa saja tah ku buat these past few days? On thursday, I was in the kitchen early in the morning to prepare some food for my last PBL session this year. Saja2 kan bawa makanan, hehe. The last PBL was kind of bittersweet I guess. I was relieved that, that would be the last session, since I won't be going through the same repeating schedule every week lagi, but at the same time sad jua, since I won't be seeing much of my PBL mates anymore until the exams, and next year, insya Allah, we'll be again randomly allocated to different PBL groups. I hope I'll be in a good group next year, mudahan saja pass exams nanti, Amin! The PBL session went on as usual, discussing the last case of the year. How fast time flies! It is almost the end of my Year 1 in med. Through the PBL group, which is a bunch of international and local students, I've met and made some new friends from other cultures and nationalities which is an interesting experience I have to say. The good thing is that they have been accepting of the differences in our culture, like the fact that we don't drink alcohol, don't eat pork or animals not slaughtered the Islamic way, wear colourful scarves, how long we fast and so forth, but not without any curious questionings on why this and that is so, hehehe. I guess we learn from each other which is a good thing lah, hehe. Ada my friend ani, curious ia, betanya tia if my hair is long or short since I wear tudung to uni kan, but first ia apologise dulu before asking since she doesn't mean to be disrespectful or anything katanya. Senyum2 ku saja, and I said it's ok to ask and I said lah my hair atu kirakan shoulder length lah sudah masa ani, hehe. Some of them were asking jua about Ramadan ani since I didnt touch any food masa puasa, and my tutor pun curious tah jua betanya how long sudah ku puasa masa bulan puasa ariatu. I said we puasa one month and I have a few days to go lah lagi. My tutor was looking at me macam orang kesian and an "aww" face hahah and I told her that aku biasa sudah since kami kana train dari damit sudah kan. Macam-macam lah hehe. I'm sure my other friends yang belajar di sini ani pun ada kana tanya a lot of these types of questions jua kan, haha. Pandai-pandai tah tu tani menjawap, haha..
So we finished PBL by 2pm. I went home and Cass was helping me to carry the containers and mangkuks that I have been using tadi for the food, home. Ada Syimsyim and Nabnab di rumah rupanya, "studying" haha.. Belurih jua lah sikit-sikit kami membaca. Then Syimsyim and I decided to go to Indroo to start shopping untuk family di Brunei. First we went to the city dulu, jalan2 skajap di sana then we went to catch the bus to Indroo. Banyak yooo orang menunggu bus ke Indroo atu. First we went to the bus stop (stop 40) at Adelaide street. Ramainya! Then we decided to catch a different bus at King George Busway tah saja instead. We went there, and panjang wah queue nya ah. Apa nda, waktu atu masa orang baru balik kraja. It was around 5 something tu that time. We went to the right stop and started queuing. According to the monitor, the bus was supposed to arrive in 2 minutes time. Tunggu punya tunggu, nda jua datang2 bus ani, sampai ada kali 15 minutes. Then there was an announcement, stating that there has been an accident arah Coronation Drive, so ada traffic jam and the bus will be delayed for quite some time. We decided to leave the busway and try to catch the bus from stop 40 at Adelaide Street tadi tah saja, maybe we'll be lucky this time. Once there, panjang jua masih queue nya ani, ish ish ish, and suspiciously macam ada some familiar faces yang menunggu bus dari tadi atu jua. I thought that this is gonna be a whileee.. So Syimsyim and I waited for the bus which nda jua datang-datang nya. Restless kami tarus, haha, rasa jua kan ke Indroo atu kan. The bus FINALLY arrive around 6:30pm and we scrambled to the front, nda lagi ingau kan bequeue tu, hahaha.. orang lain sama jua, asak-asak kan masuk bus dulu, ijap nda dapat seats. Ngalih bah udah menunggu dari tadi atu. We managed to get seats and finally were on our way to Indroo.. Fuhhhh, panjang ceritaku, baru jua pasal menunggu bus tu ah, haha..
To make the indroo story short, we arrived in Indroo close to 7pm, then went our separate ways before kami meet up at 8:30pm to buy dinner arah KFC. Belurih jua ku membali some stuff untuk my sister and dad. Bekirim teddy bear tah jua adiku ani, hehe, macam-macam haha.. We tapau the food then balik ke St Lucia and ate dinner at Syimsyim and Nabnab's place. Yunyun was already there with Nabnab.
On Friday, spent the day at home studying. Late afternoon, I decided to award myself by jalan2 dicity, hahaha.. nda bah, aku atu kan membali barang lagi.. incit-incit lah bali barang untuk Brunei, ijap ku nda sampat membali before going back to Brunei nanti. So I went out around 4pm ke city, jalan-jalan keluar masuk kadai. Belurih lah jua, since I took my own sweet time jalan-jalan. Pukul 9pm barutah ku balik, hehehe. I met with a lot of Bruneians jua that night. Tejumpa ku Sa'dy, then there's also c YJ, Widi and Husma arah bus stop masa kan balik. Hsn and Azim pun ada jua, and we balik sama-sama on the same bus back to St Lucia. Ada ku bali cadar baru, iatah semangat, tarus lagi ku tukar cadar and quilt ku that night, hehe.
On Saturday, stayed home during the day to study. Malam, we have an invitation to Farah and her brothers' Raya open house hampir city. Arah c Acai ku dulu awal atu to get change for bus ticket, and tejumpa durang Azim, Nurul and Farah diluar kadai c Acai jua. Yunyun and I went to wait for the bus arah dapan nandos and jumpa Sa'dy, Syimsyim and Nabnab di sana. Skali naik bus, and on the next bus stop tejumpa jua with other bruneians, c Rahmat sama housematesnya apa. Another bus stop lagi, and tejumpa lagi orang Brunei lain, all with the same destination, jadi kami bebaya tah ramai-ramai ke sana. It began to rain lightly during that time jua. Siuk jua kami jalan kaki lapas turun bus atu ke open house.
We stayed there until 11pm. The St. Lucians balik together naik bus. Meriah lah jua the open house hehe.
Today, stayed home studying, then went to Coles arah Toowong to buy cookies untuk Brunei, then balik rumah, then study some more. Tejumpaku c Farah senior tadi masa tunggu bus di toowong. Yunyun and I went to Syimsyim and Nabnab's place to cook dinner together. We had lemon chicken, rojak and daging kerisik. We watched I'm not Single, a Malay movie from youtube, then buat kraja2 sendiri. At 11pm, balik rumah and update blog, haha. My updates will not be as frequent as before since my exams are drawing nearer and nearer. Wish me luck! :)
That's all folks.
Gd night! :)
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