05 October 2008

Open house Day 5

Raya Day 5

Today we went to another open house at Sir Fred Schonell Drive, hosted by our 2nd year seniors, Farah and Nurul. Yunyun and I met up with Syimsyim, Nabnab, Shing and Cass in front of Acai's at 1:30pm, before walking to the open house. Panas eh hari ani, baik jua sampai ke rumah durang disambut dengan air con, haha, nyaman rasanya.

From L: me, cass, yunyun, shing, syimsyim, nabnab. Duduk: rahmat :)

Group photo

Di beranda, ambil angin, hehe

Hosts: Farah and Nurul

The food

Karaoke-ing in progress, haha :p

Seniors and juniors

Great food, good company, good atmosphere. Asikk orang berkaraoke tadi atu, rasa macam time time orang kawin masa di Brunei tah pulang, haha. But it was great fun though. We stayed there until close to 6:30pm before heading home. Yunyun and I singgah ke rumah Syimsyim and Nabnab lagi, kan meliat Australian Idol. We stayed there until 10:30pm before heading back to our own home. Wah, Raya tahun ani memang meriah, haha, banyak open houses lah compared to last two years that I have celebrated Raya di Brisbane ani. Iatah masanya ni dapat bejumpa and bekumpul sama orang Brunei yang belajar di Brisbane ani, hehe. This week has been very enjoyable for me. Walaupun kecarian beraya di Brunei, but ada ramai-ramai cemani ani ada jua rasa suasana hari raya atu, hehe. Okey then, that's all for tonight, I really need to sleep early tonight for my early morning PBL esuk.

Will post up the pics of the open house on facebook tomorrow.

Gd night! :)


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