02 February 2009

Random rambling

It has been a while since I last exercised. Well, it's no wonder that I've gained a few kilos in Brunei. How can anyone resist all the good food? hehe.. especially the fatty cholesterol-prone and high sugar delicacies.. I've been getting these junk emails for a while saying things like, "Daily dieting guides..", "how to detox..", "Your diet secrets..", bla bla bla... hahaha.. Yes, yes, I get it! I need to break out some sweat!... and not to mention a few junk mails of "speed dates", "matchmaking", "are you interested?.." and so on, reminding me of my current love life.. or lack thereof, hahaha.. Oh I don't know... Relationship is a tricky subject. I don't deal with this topic well. Perhaps my lack of experience in that department is a factor? *shrugs*.. Do I believe in soulmates? I don't know. But I do believe that there is that one person out there for everyone, who would just accept you for who you are, despite all your peculiarness or vices. However, it's just a matter of whether you will be able to find them or not. It is after all, in God's hands.

Like I said, I don't do this subject well...


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