02 February 2009

Dinner and Rahmat's Birthday Surprise

I haven't played squash in ages, so when Rahmat invited us all to play last Saturday, we jumped at the chance. For lunch, we had Damit's nasi katok, which is making its debut this year. While eating, we watched Titanic, and thus came the water works from a few suspicious tear stained faces among the bunch.. you know who you are, hahaha.. At 4pm, (an hour late) haha, Syimsyim, Nabnab, Yunyun and myself made our way to the UQ sports centre to meet up with the others. Cass, Shing, Sa'dy, Rahmat, Krl were already there. I had quite a work out and it felt really good to sweat. I made the mistake of not stretching before the game, leaving me sore in a few places now, haha..

At night, we had a gathering at Syimsyim and Nabnab's place at Mitre St. After Doa Selamat, we had the jamuan. Dinner was followed by a game of UNO which was played by the 13 of us. Fortunately we had two decks of cards, making this possible. The usually "uncomplicated" game of UNO was made much much more interesting when Cass decided to introduce a few new rules. The use of pronouns such as "he", "she", "I", "me" etc is prohibited throughout the game. The person would have to take 2 cards from the pile if a pronoun is being said. Pointing to another person is also prohibited and this will cost the person another 2 cards. This led to some hilarious moments and caused everyone to refer themselves as a third person as well as doing some funny head and hand gestures to convey themselves, haha.. There were also some silent moments for fear of saying the wrong thing, haha.. Well, you have to be there to witness the hilarity throughout the game. After the 2 hour long single game of UNO, we then surprised Rahmat with a birthday cake, baked by Syimsyim and Nabnab.

catching up

Sa'dy and Yunyun

Syimsyim tackling a piece of garlic bread :p

Fathmee and Hazzie

Nabnab, me, Rahmat

Playing UNO

Fruity chocolate vanilla cake

The birthday boy

We had a great laugh.. :)


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