15 February 2010

Sentimental Value

"All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I've been
And how I got to where I am"
(The Story - Brandi Carlile)

You can say that I am a sentimental type. I love keeping stuff which holds a great sentimental value to me. Some can even be categorized as junk, haha. The weirdest thing that I have a habit of keeping are plastic bags from travels. I don't know why I love keeping them, other than to make my storage places so full and sometimes I do forget that I kept them after all these years. I try to stop keeping those unique plastics bags now hahaha.

The thing is, I was just cleaning my room this afternoon when I realised how much junk and other stuff that I have accumulated over the years. I told you that I am sentimental, thus I love to keep some stuff that I always manage to convince myself are too 'sayang' to throw away. I am sure that I am not the only person out there who have the same habits that I have. There is always a part of me saying things like, "Oh, maybe this thing would be useful in the future, so I better hold onto it..".

Sometimes there are old things that I keep such as jewelery that was given to me years ago but never wear again. I kept them since they are given by friends and family, and of course are precious reminders of friendships and good relationships. I still have in my possession one of those best friends half pendant thingie where I kept one half and the other person kept one half that was given to me by my then-best friend in the 90s, haha.

The half pendant :)

Some other stuff that I like to keep are birthday cards or any cards given to me as well as presents. Some I am still using while some are for safe-keeping. Back in Brisbane, I have this habit of keeping those bus/train/ferry ticket stubs especially after we visited long distant places. Back then I figured that those are nice to keep for 'kenang-kenangan', which is a bit weird, hahaha. I think I have thrown most of them away now.

While rummaging through my storage cupboard during cleaning, I came across an old tin box that I kept ages ago, which contain some memorabilia & gifts from the youth exchange programme that I went to in South Korea in 2001. I looked through the stuff and found some telephone cards, key chains, some cash and so on. Thought I'd share with you guys what I have put inside almost a decade ago.

The old tin box

The inside of the box :)

Korean cash: 1000 Kwon, 5000 Kwon and 10000 Kwon

The back side. I just realised that I forgot to flip the last one hehe

US$1, US$10 and 200 Vietnamese Dollars :)

The back side

Refreshing towel and a tissue from Korean Air which I kept. Not so refreshing anymore, hahaha

Telephone cards that I bought and used to call Brunei from the hotel

An unused 5000 Kwon phone card. Still in it's plastic!

Some post cards that I exchanged with other participants

Some gifts that I received during the last day :)

Map of the subway

Some letters that I received from Korean friends hehe

Some name cards

Korean coins

So these are a small portion of the stuff that I kept over the years, haha. What stuff do you like to keep?

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



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