02 July 2011

Roughing It Out at Sea

Hi everyone! :)

I have been super busy these past 2 weeks. I have just finished attending a para counseling course in the army. It was a super awesome course, which I have enjoyed tremendously. I think that from all the courses that I have attended, this is the most fun that I have had. In addition to lectures and practicals, we also have outings, visits and outdoor activities.

One part of the course is adventure based counseling. For this activity, we spent 1 whole day at the Watermanship in Serasa. It was a day of many firsts for me. As you may not know, I am not a swimmer. It turned out, the day's activities will be spent mostly in the sea! You can imagine my trepidation when this was announced hehe. Most of my course mates are army personnel and they are fantastic in helping out a non-swimmer like me at the sea! Thank goodness for the existence of life jackets which helps to keep me at least afloat, lol. However, there was a time where we were asked to remove our life jackets in the waters and to combine all the jackets together before we move to another location!

I have to say it was rather terrifying for a non swimmer like me to be floating in the middle of the waters with no ground to at least centre myself. I remember the feeling of lying flat on my back, bobbing in the waters, looking up at the blue sky and praying that I will stay floating while being pulled by my group mates to reach our destination. For that I am very grateful for their help in motivating me along.

We spent a few hours doing a few activities in the waters, then headed back to land to build a raft per group using logs, ropes and floaters and then to use the raft that we built to go rafting in the sea. Despite using tons of sunblock, I still managed to get sun burns and cuts on my arms which I think I got while holding onto the poles in the sea. The poles has corals or some sharp things stuck to them haha. Building the raft was also a great experience since our main concern is to make sure that the raft will stay put, our ropes tight enough and the raft will stay floating for us to go to and fro from the departing area. Overall, I enjoyed the activity very much and it will certainly be something that I will always remember in a long time. :)

Group photo! :)

Listening to instructions before jumping to the water

Can you spot me just before jumping in? Haha (Dalam hati tungkal, hahaha)

With my group mates! :) Awesome bunch of people hehe

In the waters. In groups


Back on land

Building our raft :)

Carrying logs hehe

Rafts built by the 3 groups

With my group. Off we go! :)

Heading back

Resting at the female's hut.

The view at sea

One last photo before heading back home :)

Some photos are taken from abdb mates :)

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com


CtN7 said...

Atu siyuk Jan!! Adventurous banar!

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