05 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone! :)

So sorry with the late updates. I have been busy this past week or so. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope you had a good 2010 and wish you will be having an even better year in 2011. I had my first ever bonus from my current job and to commemorate the occasion, I had bought a new smart phone for myself, the HTC Desire as a year end present to myself, heehee.

My sister Mun will be back in Brunei for a 2-week holiday soon end of january after her upcoming exams, and I am excited for her return! Hee! I'll be taking a few days off to spend some time with her and my family. If you noticed, I have not applied for holiday leave in December since I wanted to wait for her return before applying. More posts coming up next! :)


Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com


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