07 February 2010

Dinner with Uda's family

Wii! love

Hello readers,

Sorry I have been MIA for a week or so, hehe. I have started my part time job in UBD this week, so I have been caught up with work and have not been able to find a good time to blog, hehe. Oh, and also, my salary from my first part time job is finally out this week! Yay! jelir So my first purchase was a Wii set package (Korean version), complete with 2 remote controls, 2 nunchuks, 15 games of my own choice, a 15 set Wii accessories, together with bag and memory card. I've got quite a good price actually for the whole package hehe. sengihnampakgigi

So what else have I been up to this week? On Wednesday night, we had dinner at Aminah Ariff with Uda's family to celebrate Fuad's birthday and Amirul's passing his exam. Coincidentally, we also received another great news that day as well. Dad just received news that he is getting promoted at work! Alhamdulillah and congrats to dad, hehe. We are very happy for you! Here are some piccies from the dinner. Sorry for the low quality, took them using my handphone since I didn't have enough time to recharge my camera batteries, heehee.

Mom senyum

Mirza, Jilah & Mun peluk

That's a huge yawn from Faiq! gelakguling

Uda, Babu Hjh & Ammar senyum

The boys while waiting for our orders senyum

Ambuyat dishes love

Eating time! sengihnampakgigi

Happy birthday to Fuad & Congratulations to Amirul! peace

Congratulations to Dad! love

Fuad sengihnampakgigi

Amirul & Fuad cutting the cake sengihnampakgigi

Dad cutting his cake jelir

Jilah & Mun sengihnampakgigi

Til the next post! http://www.emocutez.com



Anonymous said...

ehh?part time job lagi?wat happen?hehehe.

jannah said...

@anonymous yup, starting another part time job. I finished my other part time job in december, and now starting a new one in february. Still waiting for govt job hehe

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